Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weight Lost

As you all know several years ago i found that my life was a farce, that was when i found science and became a Saganite. Because of that I find when i weigh myself in the morning I have to do it five times, in four different places, then calculate the artithmetic mean, find the %error, work out the deviation, and finally express my findings in Standard Deviation. I have lost 5 pounds by doing this.
This morning at the gym I was running on the treadmill and I started to cough. I was courteous and I cough in my arm just like the CDC said. I happen to look to my right and beside of me was an older lady and she was staring at me. She then proceeds to stop her treadmill and moves down two treadmills away from me. Now this could be just a coincidence. If not are we just taking this flu thing too seriously. Is it going to come to the point we’re going to segregate people like we did with people with leprosy? Now we are going to have Swine flu colonies. Beggars in the streets are going to be holding signs with “I had swine flu, could you spare a dollar.” When is it going to end, people?

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rejections are Retarded

I wanted to figure out why I let my heart get broken and why am I so stupid in believing he was just into me as I was into him. The first mistake was I had an expectation. I want to thinking, believing we were made for each other based on just personality alone and he would feel the same. And he didn’t. Still doesn’t make him a bad person. Just makes him different then me.
So rejection is horrible, awful, distasteful, and heart breaking. But the key thing is that it only last for a little while. Figure out what you want, what went wrong and what is the best thing about you. Most important have no expectation going into a relationship, get to know the person and just see if that person is someone you “like”. Then after that point, like will magically turn into love. And all is right in the world.

Click here to listen to the show :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Confessions of a Pot Head FFS 78

Fantastic Fred Show
"Confessions of a Pot Head"

We all know that smoking pot will give you a reputation of being what is affectionately known as a "pot Head". As you all know in North Carolina just had a surge of Pot smoking in the last few days and they have done a great job in keeping the wacky weed out of their state. Now because of this mega star coming in with all he's big mega star ways brought drugs back into North Carolina. Because of this devil person, all the youth of NC and also the nation will start lighting up and getting cool. This causes the problem with the Government because if all the youth in NC are smoking pot then they will not be able to fight or care about any war that is going on. You got to ask yourself this question, so you want pot to ruin the chances of you sons and daughters on getting into the military and continuing our wars? Or do you want them to lay on your couch eating all your junk food and promising you that they are going to get a job today.
Now all the colleges in NC will have to start putting on their applications, "have you ever heard of or party with any Olympic Star that has won 5 or more gold medals?"

Also from the hearts and minds of the Fantastic Fred show we wish you a Happy Valentines Day. Hope you tell you honey that you love them and make sure they know once a year that you appreciate them.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Obama, What do you think?

Is Obama, So far, doing a great Job?

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